
A rose is a rose is a rose, unless it’s an easy care rose, and then it’s a dream come true 

I never understood all the fuss about roses. Sure, they’re beautiful and fragrant and romantic, but who wants a plant that’s finicky, disease prone and covered in thorns? Not me.  But then I started hearing about Knock Out roses and other easy care roses that were winning gardeners’ hearts all over the state.  I tried a Knock-Out, and it was love at first bloom. And now that’s it’s spring,  I’m on the lookout for other disease resistant repeat bloomers to try. A visit to the nursery piqued my interest in Perle d’Or and Cecile Bruner, especially given that a rose has to prove in longterm field trials that it can thrive in high heat, high humidity and less than perfect soils in order to make the list. So if you’re a budding rosarian who’s considering adding roses to your landscape, check out the Purdue Extension Service for Home Gardeners. And if that gets you dreaming about a field of roses in your backyard,  consult our certified landscaper or nursery professional in your area for an even longer list of easy care roses.  And while you’re at it,  check out all the other helpful bits of gardening and landscape information here at The Old Farmer’s Almanac.