Purpose of Soil Amendments

The purpose of using soil amendments is to improve the soil’s physical qualities, its fertilities and the soils mechanics We use soil amendments to intervene in the process by improving the soils physical properties, and helping nature along providing great support to soil for healthy and vigorous plant growth. Bottom line, soil amendments are most commonly used to improve soil structure, nutrients, and water retention.

Soil structure

The most common use of soil amendments is to improve soil structure. Soils tend to become compacted over time. Soil compaction impedes root growth, decreasing the ability of plants to take up nutrients and water. Soil amendments can add more loft and texture to keep the soil loose.

Soil nutrients

For centuries people have been adding things to poor soils to improve their ability to support healthy plant growth. Some of these materials, such as compost, clay and peat, are still used extensively today. Many soil amendments also add nutrients such as carbon and nitrogen, as well as beneficial bacteria. Additional nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, may be augmented by amendments as well. This enriches the soil, allowing plants to grow bigger and stronger.

Water retention

Soil amendments may be used to improve water retention in dry, coarse soils which are not holding water well. The addition of organic material for instance can greatly improve the water retention abilities of sandy soils and they can be added to adjust the pH of the soil to meet the needs of specific plants or to make highly acidic or alkaline soils more usable.

Thank you and may your lawn be as healthy, green and weed free.
